本期內容:介紹MR. BIG出道25周年最新專輯"…The Stories We Could Tell"及全員interview
Player 2014年10月號有介紹Paul Gilbert歷代PGM系列簽名琴和Billy Sheehan的連載文章
另外在BURRN! 2014年9月號所付的special CD為MR. BIG從未公開的現場音源、未發表曲等等共9首曲目,非常值得死忠BIG FANS收藏!
SPECIAL CD tracks:
1. Undertow (Budokan Board Mix)
2. American Beauty (Budokan Board Mix)
3. Jane Doe (Edit Version:Sound Check)
4. To Be With You (Edit Version:Sound Check)
5. Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy (Demo:Without Vocals, Cut Start Point)
6. Shotgun (Unreleased Material)
7. The World Is On The Way (Live:Board Mix)
8. Message From Paul Gilbert
9. Message From Eric Martin
Track 1,2:Recorded Live at Budokan, April 25th, 2011
Track 3,4:Recorded Live at Chichen George, Kobe, Jan.22nd, 1996
Track 5:Studio Outtake 1990
Track 6:Studio Outtake
Track 7:Recorded Live at Morioka Civic Cultural Hall, April 15th, 2011